

We prepare legal documents, agreements and memorandum of understanding for contracts, partnership, guarantee, sale and purchase of shares, hire purchase, credit facility, tenancy, charge and debenture, sale and purchase of real property, banking, insurance, Islamic banking, takaful and housing/commercial development projects.


The firm attends to all civil litigation matters ranging from breach of contract, land, tons, hire purchase, Islamic hire purchase and finance, banking litigation, and execution proceedings such as foreclosure, bankruptcy proceeding, judgment debtor summons, and all other execution proceedings. We have been attending to hire purchase litigation for the past fifteen years Recently, we have also been appointed to attend to Islamic hire purchase litigation and motor insurance cases.

Banking Security Documents

The partners have been appointed to attend to various Islamic banking
documentation such as Murabahah working capital financing, BBA term financing, Bai Al Inah financing, Kafalah document, Al-Ijarah financing etc-

We are also proud to state that the firm was one of the pioneers appointed to undertake security documentation for Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad when there was only one Islamic bank in Malaysia.

Aside from Islamic banking documentation, the firm also attends to mainstream conventional banking documents on a regular basis.

Islamic Finance & Muammalat

With En. Suhaimi Salleh having obtained his Masters Degree in Islamic Banking & Finance (LL.M. (Banking)) and had experience in developing Islamic Muamalat and Financial products, the firm iS able to assist corporations or financial institutions in structuring, creating, reviewing and refining Muamalat and/or Islamic Finance products.

Corporate, Company & Commercial Matters

Estate Planning

1. Wills, Wisoyah & Trusts.
2. Probate & Administration.
3. Personal Legal & Financial Management & Planning.

Legal Seminars/Clinics

We are ready and willing whenever requested to conduct legal seminars/clinics for your officers and staff on various aspect of the law and court procedures soas to enhance their knowledge and to increase the efficiency of communication between them and the Financial Institutions solicitors.

We also have the capacity to conduct corporate and commercial domestic and intemational legal seminars for individuals and corporations on conducting business and commercial entities in the territory.

Legal Development (Opinion-precedents)

We shall provide our opinions and case analysis of current development in Case Law (precedents) from the court of law which have relevance and effect on the banking and finance industry.

Legal Information

We are in the process of developing a service whereby we intend to provide our clients with a list of bankruptcy cases in the High Court wherefrom the client can cross-check against their list of existing potential clients.


  • Registry of Company;
  • Registry of Business;
  • Registry of Birth and Death;
  • Registrar and Inspector of Motor Vehicles (RIMV);
  • National Registration Department;
  • Land Office Searches;
  • Municipal Council Searches; and
  • Bankruptcy Office Searches-


Most routine opinions written or otherwise are provided without any charge to your company.